What I wrote to my students after a business trip to Cambodia

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In the previous article, I talked about how I remembered I wrote about the eagerness to learn I encountered from students in Cambodia when I saw the same thing in Vietnam.

After the business trip, I wrote a diary for my students studying English. In Japan, your boss will be very strict. I remember the owner of the English school liked my letter very much she printed it out and shared it with her surroundings.

I thought it might be meaningful to translate what I wrote into Japanese and share it in English. It might help some people to love learning something new:)

My letter to the students studying English


I accompanied a company representative to Cambodia as an interpreter. He was considering starting a business there. I had been to Cambodia before when I was studying at university, and my image of the country was poverty, Pol Pot, Khmer, and landmines. 5 years have passed since then, and I was shocked to see so much difference. Enormous development! I was amazed by the growth I expected.


Today I want to share that I felt language is very important. As you may already know, Pol Pot was the leader of Cambodia who killed the educated to keep his power. So now, Cambodia has one focus and it is educating the people. They need to educate the people that will handle the growth of their country.


Unfortunately, Cambodia is scarce of skilled and educated workers. That is why The Royal University of Phnom Penh focuses on language studies. I had a chance to interact with the students there, and their Japanese is very good.


On top of that, they are honest and eager to learn. That's it, I thought. They will study languages that will help educate the learning generations. They will then take that knowledge and try it, to gain experience. They will repeat and improve.


They will grow a little more tomorrow than today. Then more the day after tomorrow than tomorrow. Interacting with the students in Cambodia who know that educating themselves directly connects to the growth of their country made me look at myself.


Eagerness to learn. Honest feelings and trial and error will develop an endless growth of knowledge and experience. Studying English is not a goal for your life. Studying English becomes a tool to fulfill your goal. So I have one question. What do you want to do, using your English Skills?

When I learn, I try to have an end in mind

In South East Asia, I meet so many that ask me if they want to improve their English. "Trial and error, do not be afraid to make mistakes" which was what my Indonesian friend told me his strategy is, which I agree with.

But if I were to say something that may improve their learning pattern is:
"Have an end in mind."

I'm trying to learn a few languages now, French, Indonesian, Arabic, and Hindi. And my main "end in mind" in developing my language skills would be, 

"I get to learn about their food culture, and learn in their language."

Having an end in mind lets you clarify what you should be doing today to reach it.

That means, what I can do today should be watching their cooking channels, and reading cookbooks. I shouldn't forget to take the time to study my own food culture from Japan, so I can exchange knowledge and culture when I do get the opportunity.

Hope I get a chance to learn about your food culture, too someday:)

Follow Ryu Aomi for more to come :) 

In this blog, I post my food trips worldwide, as insights into Japanese food in comparison to all the different cuisines I encounter through my journey. 

I also try to share information from Japan that fills our hearts or might help us think about how to better the world!

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