Recipe: how to make a simple udon (great for vegans!)

Udon is a noodle dish made of flour and saltwater kneaded together. We Japanese would eat it with various dashi or broth, and it’s one of the easiest dishes to make!

We wrote the simplest recipe to cook udon, and left some trivia on udon!

Recipe: How to cook simple udon


    • udon...2 packs
    • negi green onions...preferred amount
    • dashi...600cc
    • Japanese sake...40cc
    • soy sauce...40cc
    • mirin...1.5 spoons
    • salt...1/4 teaspoon
    *Typically we use mixed dashi of bonito and konbu kelp dashi, but for vegans, you should use konbu kelp, shiitake, or both!

    How to make

    1. Heat the dashi in a pot .
    2. Once the dashi is heated put the udon.
    3. Once the udon is heated, serve on a bowl.
    4. Sprinkle some negi green onions as a topping.

    Udon recipe ideas for vegans!

    We enjoy udon with varieties of vegetables such as yasai udon(野菜うどん), tempura udon(天ぷらうどん), or sweet simmered fried tofu kitsune udon(きつねうどん).
    • Vegetables: (Hakusai Chinese cabbage, mushroom, negi) are all typical ingredients!
    • You may deep fry the vegetables to tempura: Carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, and Mulukhiyah are perfect examples of vegetables that contain fat-soluble vitamins.
    • Fried tofu: It's a good source of proteins, and very friendly to vegans.
    Those who aren't vegans can also choose any meat, eggs, or kamaboko crab cakes!

    Different dashi according to regions

    The dashi for the udon in Kanto(Tokyo area) and Kansai(Osaka area) vary.
    While Kanto will have a thicker soy sauce-based salty sweet taste and black in color, Kansai will have a clear broth with bonito/kelp dashi.

    Even the Kanto people are amazed when they first eat the Kansai udon, rich in umami. So in the recipe above, we introduced the Kansai soup.

    Udon province in Kagawa!

    When you ask a Japanese which province in Japan is famous for udon, the majority will say Kagawa. It's home to our beloved Sanuki udon(讃岐うどん)and you can even enjoy udon dashi for free in Kagawa Airport!

    Kagawa is actually the smallest province in Japan but has the most udon shops.

    The reason is due to weather, and Kagawa has small rainfall which makes cultivating rice very difficult. So they grew flour, which is the main ingredient of udon.

    The udon became experimented to taste better, then more udon shops will open and thus creating a very competitive, affordable soul food of the Kagawa people.

    If you like the udon chain Marukame Seimen(丸亀製麺)then this chain hasn't been able to convince the Kagawa people that it is worth calling it Sanuki Udon as the company wanted.

    Very worth traveling to Kagawa if you love udon!

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      In this blog, I post my food trips around the world, as insights into Japanese food in comparison to all the different cuisines I encounter through my trips. I have traveled to many places in Japan, so I will be sharing what I know to better plan your trip to my home country, Japan!
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